Friday, December 4, 2015

Sounds: Jonzun Crew - Ground Control

Time to get back to sharing good musics that I've picked up along the way. This one was a great find. If you know anything about my current band, Face Tat, you'll hear obvious similarities. I certainly did. Caught this track at an underground show in Oakland right after getting off tour and I was pissed. "Who's stealing my sound?" When I asked the DJ she said it was the Jonzun Crew, from 1983. I was blown away. Never heard of them. And when I saw their look, I was blown away:

Fuck yeah!
Apparently they were a Afrofuturistic take on the Parliment Funkadelic. You think? Anyhow, this track just slays. Love the vocoder. Can't believe this is a band that time almost forgot. Except one of the crew went on to help produce the New Kids on the Block. Yeah.

Give an ear: